Precious and semi-precious gemstones have been used since recorded history and probably before, for spiritual, emotional and physical healing. Alternative healers all over the world use gemstones today.
Gemstones are one of the most beautiful, mystical and profound "energy medicine" tools, which have been used for centuries throughout all cultures, religions and empires. Gemstones bring amazing benefits to the healing arena!
Gemstones are delightful to give or receive as gifts. They are Mother Nature's natural healers. Gifting someone with a crystal is the same as offering a healing.
Tiger eye - offers courage, energy, and luck
From the stone history: Roman soldiers wore tiger's-eye for protection in battle. Tiger Eye was thought to be all seeing due to its appearance

Mystical power: Tiger Eye is used for focusing the mind. It is said that Tiger Eye offers protection during travel, strengthens convictions and confidence. This very warm stone is beneficial for the weak and sick.
Deposits: The most important mine for Tiger Eye is inSouth Africa . The best stones come from Griqualand West.
Deposits: The most important mine for Tiger Eye is in
Agate brings stability to your life
From the stone history: The Egyptians used it prior to 3000 BC. Agate was highly valued by ancient civilizations. Said by the ancients to render the wearer invisible..
Healing ability: Agate is cooling stone, it reduces fever, quenches thirst, beneficial in stomach area. It quiets
Mystical power: Agate guards against danger. Wearers become temperate, continent and cautious. It helps one view themselves with more clarity and see the world through a broader viewpoint. Wearing Agate is believed to cure insomnia and to insure pleasant dreams.
Deposits: Important sources of agate are
Amethyst - one of the Earth's beautiful stones
From the stone history: The story of the origin of amethyst comes from Greek legends: The god of wine, Bacchus, was insulted one day by a mere mortal. He swore the next mortal that crossed his path, would be attacked by his fierce tigers. Along came a beautiful maiden named Amethyst. Goddess Diana turned Amethyst in a beautiful statue of quartz to save her from the tiger's claws. Remorseful Bacchus wept tears of wine over the stone maiden, creating a lively purple stone.
Purple color has long been considered a royal color so it is not surprising that amethyst has been so popular through the history. Fine amethysts are featured in the British Crown Jewels and were also a favorite of Catherine the Great and Egyptian royalty. There are evidences that around 3,000 B. C. inEgypt and in anterior Asia were made jewels of Amethyst.
The Amethyst is perhaps as popular today as it was in ancient time.
Purple color has long been considered a royal color so it is not surprising that amethyst has been so popular through the history. Fine amethysts are featured in the British Crown Jewels and were also a favorite of Catherine the Great and Egyptian royalty. There are evidences that around 3,000 B. C. in
The Amethyst is perhaps as popular today as it was in ancient time.
Healing ability: Amethyst magnifies psychic abilities and right-brain activity. It strengthens immunity, while energizing and purifying the blood. Amethyst relieves headaches, improves blood sugar imbalance.

Amethyst was thought to encourage celibacy. Because of that, amethyst was very important in the ornamentation of churches in the middle Ages. Bishops still often wear amethyst rings.
Amethyst is associated with a number of superstitions, being regarded as a love charm, and as a protection against thieves.
Placed under the pillow at night, the beautiful amethyst is believed to produce a calm and peaceful sleep.
Amethyst is given as a symbol of sincerity, security, and peace of mind.
Deposits: Amethyst is mined in
Bloodstone helps become more knowledgeable in the ways of the world
From the stone history: In the middle Ages, bloodstone was attributed special powers as the spots were thought to be the blood of Jesus Christ. It was used in sculptures representing flagellation and martyrdom.
Healing ability: In ancient times, bloodstone was thought to be able to stop hemorrhages with the merest touch. Bloodstone relieves stomach and bowel pain. It strengthens blood purifying organs and improves blood circulation. Bloodstone has a positive influence on a bladder.
Mystical power: Bloodstone is used to help one become more knowledgeable in the ways of the world. Bloodstone is also believed to be a very magical stone.
Deposits: Bloodstone is found in Australia , Brazil , China , India , Kathiawar Peninsula and the USA (Wyoming ).
Jasper brings joy into life
From the stone history: Jasper was known as the great "rain-bringer" in the fourth century.
Jasper is one of the gemstones that used in commesso, Commesso is a technique of fashioning pictures with thin, cut-to-shape pieces of brightly colored, semiprecious stones, developed in Florence in the late 16th century.
Healing ability: Medicinal values were long attributed to jasper, including a belief that wearing it strengthened the stomach. Jasper was also believed to cure gynecological problems.
Mystical power Jasper has many unique quality, is said to bring joy in into life, bring one what they need, help one sleep. Jasper was thought to drive away evil spirits and protect against snake and spider bites.
Deposits: Jasper is common and widely distributed, occurring chiefly as veinlets, concretions, and replacements in sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, as in the Urals, North Africa , Sicily , France , India , Venezuela and Germany .
Some varieties are color-banded, and beautiful examples of jasperized fossil wood are found in Arizona , U.S. In USA Jasper is also found in California , Utah and Wyoming .
Lapis Lazuli is a gemstone compared to stars in the sky.
From the stone history: the stories sad that David went to flight with Golayet, before the flight he went to the river to pick up stones, then he went to flight with Golayet and only in the third stone he hit him on the forehead and then Golayet died, this stone was lapis lazuli and since then the old soldiers of Israel where on them self lapis lazuli. Babylonian and Egyptian civilizations and often worn by royalty. Persian legend says that the heavens owed their blue color to a massive slab of Lapis upon which the earth rested. Lapis Lazuli was believed to be a sacred stone, buried with the dead to protect and guide them in the afterlife.
Healing ability: The stone is said to increase psychic abilities. Lapis is said to be a cure for melancholy and for certain types of fever. Lapis lazuli eliminates negative emotions. It relieves sore throat pain.
Mystical power: Lapis lazuli performs loyalty. Traditionally believed to increase mental clarity, virility, and calm. Lapis Lazuli is energy focuser for teachers, lecturers and speakers. Enhances creative self-expression. It is believed to be useful in relieving depression and promoting spirituality. Lapis Lazuli is also powerful during meditation.
Deposits: The main supplies of Lapis Lazuli are found in the Afghanistan , Egypt , Canada , Chile , the US , and South America . The most important sources are the mines in Badakhshan, northeastern Afghanistan , and near Ovalle , Chile , where gemstone is usually pale rather than deep blue.
Malachite – The Gemstone for stability and patience
From the stone history: In the middle ages, malachite was worn to protect from black magic and sorcery. In Ancient Greece amulets for children were made of malachite.
Healing ability: Malachite is said to aid in the regeneration of body cells, creates calm and peace, and aids one's sleep.
Mystical power: A gorgeous stone, Malachite is worn by many to detect impending danger. This beautiful green stone offers bands of varying hues and is believed by many to lend extra energy. It is believed that gazing at Malachite or holding it relaxes the nervous system and calms stormy emotions. Malachite is said to bring harmony into one's life. It is also believed that malachite gives knowledge, stability and patience. Malachite is used as a children's talisman to ward off danger and illness. It is attached to infant's cradles.
Deposits: The most important mine is in Zaire . Notable occurrences are in Ural, Siberia , France , South Australia , Namibia and USA (Arizona ).
Onyx - a symbol of eloquence.
From the stone history: Roman soldiers wore onyx talismans engraved with heroes such as Hercules or Mars, god of war. They believed that the stone would make the wearer as brave and daring as the figured carved on it. During the Renaissance, onyx was believed to bring eloquence upon the wearer and was regarded with great value by public speakers and orators.
Onyx at one time was more precious than gold, silver, or sapphire. Onyx is always widely used in cameos and intaglios.
Healing ability: Onyx is used as a heart, kidney, nerve, capillary, hair, eye and nail strengthener. Onyx is said to help one sleep. This gemstone helps to eliminate apathy, stress and neurological disorders.
Mystical power: This gemstone eliminates negative thinking; it is also believed to sharpen the wits of the wearer. Onyx is said to bring spiritual inspiration. It is a great assistance in holding emotions and passions under control.
Deposits: The chief localities of onyx are India and South America .
Opal is given as a symbol of hope, happiness and truth.
From the stone history: Precious opal has been a gemstone since Roman times. Opal was included among the noble gems and was ranked second only to emerald by the Romans. A beautiful opal called the orphanus was set in the crown of the Holy Roman Emperor. It was described "as though pure white snow flashed and was overcome by this radiance." Opals are also set in the crown jewels of France .
Most opal is more than 60 million years old and generally dates back to the Cretaceous period when dinosaurs roamed the earth.
Healing ability: Opal has been described in medieval times as a cure for diseases of the eye.
White Opal is Balances left and right brain hemispheres for neuro disorders; stimulates white corpuscles;
Mystical power: opal is regarded as an extremely lucky stone. In ancient times opal was accepted as a symbol of faithfulness and confidence. It has reputed healing properties, especially to increase mental capacities such as creative imagination. opals worn near the heart on necklaces to protect one from the evil eye and protect travelers on journeys to far away lands. Opals have been ground up and used a magic potions to heal the body, ward off bad dreams, and used an energy enhancement tools.
Deposits: Most opal is found where geothermal hot springs dried up during seasonal periods of rainfall and extended dry periods. More than 90% of the world's quality gem opals come from Southern Australia, although it can be found in other parts of the world such as Brazil , Mexico , Czechoslovakia and USA (Nevada and Idaho ).
All superb black stones have been obtained from the Lightning Ridge field, New South Wales , Australia . Deposits of White opal in Japan , Fire opal in Mexico and Honduras .
Turquoise - the stone of successfully.
From the stone history: Turquoise with its blue hue, is among the oldest known gemstones.
Turquoise was an important ornamental mineral for jewelry and other object by the ancient Egyptians. It graced the necks of Egyptian Pharaohs and adorned the ceremonial dress of early native Americans. Turquoise has been attributed with healing powers as well as promoting the wearer's status and wealth. A very special stone indeed, Turquoise is a sacred stone to many American Indian tribes and has been used in various jewelry items.
Healing ability: Turquoise is said to be a guard against all diseases. It assist in tissue regeneration, subtle body alignment & strengthening.
Mystical power: Turquoise has been thought to warn the wearer of danger or illness by changing color. In the 13th century, turquoise was thought to protect the wearer from falling, especially from horses.
Turquoise is also believed to bring happiness and good fortune to all. It's said that turquoise attracts healing spirits, making it a premier healing stone and success in life.
Believed to be a protective stone, turquoise is worn to guard against violence and accidents. Turquoise is also a valuable amulet for travelers.
Deposits: Highly prized turquoise has come from Neyshabur , Iran . Numerous deposits in the southwestern United States have been worked for centuries by American Indians. Turquoise also occurs in northern Africa, Australia , Siberia, and Europe .
Ruby – "king of gem stones"
From the stone history: Ruby is one of the most expensive gems. Ruby was known as "the king off Gemstones", In the Sanskrit language ruby is called "ratnaraj", which translates as "King of Gemstones". Ruby also was known as "The stone of nobility" chosen by kings and leaders for centuries. According to legend, shamans and medicine men was use in ruby for healing, To some it was a representation of the sun., warriors implanted rubies under their skin to bring valor in battle. As a talisman, ruby world warn its against danger and disaster. Bring peace and ensure good health.
Healing ability: It is a stone of high energy and power that promotes healing on all levels. It helps you to change, and make the transition from the person you are today, to the person you want to be, and wish to be in your heart. To become the person you were meant to be.
Mystical power: Ruby brings and increases romantic love, is the stone of passion and heart's desire
Deposits: Ruby is found in Burma (Myanmar ), Sri Lanka , India , Africa, Vietnam , Thailand , Afghanistan , Pakistan , Australia , Cambodia , United States . The most commonly available Star Rubies are usually from Africa and India.
Sodalite for good communication
From the stone history: The first discovered and recorded in 1806 in Greenland, Sodalite is sometimes called "Princess Blue" after Princess Patricia, the granddaughter of Britain's Queen Victoria. Princess Patricia of Connaught so loved this stone after seeing it in a visit to Ontario, Canada, that she chose it for decorating the Marlborough House in England.
Mystical power: Eliminates Fear and Guilt better than any other stone!. Sodalite clears up mental confusion and reestablishes inner peace. Sodalite strengthens the power of mind over body and bridges the gap between your thoughts and your feelings.
Deposits: most off sodalite found in Brazil but also in Columbia , Canada and England.
Labradorite – stone of wisdom
From the stone history: Labradorite has been claimed to be a stone of Atlantis. Labradorite, along with diamond, is also known as a winter gem. It is claimed to have been picked by the winter gods for its brilliant inclusion of all the colors and tints of the universe. Diamond and labradorite are the only stones said to include this full range of color.
Mystical power: It is effective in meditation to strengthen your intuition and psychic abilities. It promotes willpower, a deeper understanding of self, and stimulates mental processes .This gemstone elicits creativity by inspiring you to come up with original ideas and solutions to problems.
Deposits: The main supplies of Labradorite is in the peninsula Labrador (Canada) but also in Finland Ukraine, Australia, Mexico, Norway, U.S.A, India, Madagascar, Newfoundland and Russia.